Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Little Pumpkins!

Today was the Day!! The day to go get our Pumpkins! The Day that I would take my Sweet, Cooperative Children to get the Perfect Pictures in the Beautiful Pumpkin Patch! EEEERRRRKKKKK!!!! That's the sound of my plan coming to a screeching halt! I must have forgotten how hard it was last year to get my kids to cooperate for pictures. I will take fault in the fact that my main reasoning for going to the Pumpkin Patch is to get good pictures, when it should be to let my kids run around and pick out their perfect pumpkin. Of course, when we get there all three kids go in three different directions. I immediately Stress and start trying to gather them all into one place so I can take My "Perfect" Picture! NEVER HAPPENS! What is wrong me with me????? Why can't I just let them go and have fun and forget about the whole picture thing having to be such a big deal. Next year.....I will pray for myself to do just that before I get out of the car. So, first I will start with our not so shining moments.....Enjoy!

Bailey, of course always ready....Colton, of course always looking at something other than the camera....and Kinley, of course always struggling to get away! Didn't help matters that Kinley hadn't had a nap all day and I had been dragging her around from store to store since this morning.

Again, tired and not happy!

I think Kinley was ready to just pass out at this point!

SUCKER!!!! We're all good!

My Bailey, looking all sweet and innocent.

This pose was actually Colton's idea. He wanted the pumpkin he picked to be in the picture.
Unfortunately, that pumpkin had to be put back....Leave it to my son to pick the "price" pumpkin. See the 9 on there.....Yes, he got it from the Sample "price" pumpkins.

Here are my little rays of Sunshine posing with their soon to be poked and prodded Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head Pumpkins!

Ta Da!!! So much better than carving a pumpkin if you ask me. A lot cleaner and Super Cute!

Here's Bailey with her witch Pumpkin. Not bad for $6.00 at Target. (Potato Head Parts that is)
Colton and his Cowboy! RIGHT UP HIS ALLEY!!!
Kinley's Picture with her Pumpkin - UNAVAILABLE!!!!! She was NOT in the Mood!

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1 comment:

  1. Today is the 25th and I haven't even bothered to buy pumpkins!
