Thursday, December 15, 2011

Second Grade "WINTER" Party

It's been a hectic couple of days.  Being Colton's home room Mom, I have been busy getting together last minute items for the class party.  I only had a couple of things to finish up yesterday but instead of being productive,  I spent most of  the day in pain.  I went to bed Super Early last night hoping to sleep off this weird stomach pain that I had.  The only thing  I could compare it to is how I felt after my C-Section.  By 10:00pm Greg and I were looking up my symptoms on the Internet and trying to diagnose my problem.  I was literally in tears it hurt so bad.  We decided it could possibly be my appendix so just to be safe I  drove myself to the ER because I couldn't take the pain.  They poked me, did some blood work, did a cat scan and Two Hours later, I was told that I had a cyst on my Ovary and that it had ruptured.  The Doctor told me I would have pain for a few more days, but gave me a prescription for pain medication.  I go to Walgreens only to realize that I do not have my wallet so I decide to go home and try to sleep it off.  By 3:30am I was driving back to Walgreens with Wallet in tow and filling my Pain meds.  Thankfully Greg went into work later than usual this morning so he could help me get the kids up and ready for School.  By Party time I was back in pain, so I took a pill right before walking into the School.  I really tried to focus on the task at hand so I hope I wasn't slurring or saying off the wall things while talking with the other Mothers. I already have a problem with saying whatever comes to my mind, so adding pain meds to that situation might not work out for me.   The Party was a success.  Everybody had a great time.  I honestly felt like we rushed from one thing to another, but one of the other Mothers said that it was the most organized School Party she had ever been to.  That made me feel GREAT!!!! 
This is Colton's class....dressed in their reindeer shirts and ready to party!

I feel very fortunate to be able to be a part of this.

Here's Colton and a couple of his buddies.
Check out their cute shirts.  The Deer face is their footprint and the antlers are their hand prints.

The Kids really enjoyed the ring toss game.  I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that their teacher was wearing the horns.

She was a good sport.  She didn't know that this was going to be her job during the party until I put the antlers on her head.

Thankfully I was able to pop into Bailey's class for a few quick pictures.

One of the stations at the party was writing a letter to a Soldier.  The kids did a Great Job.  I will be mailing these letters out next week so if you read my blog and know of someone who you would like me to send some letters to, please just post their name and address and I will be happy to send some letters their way.  I have almost a hundred letters to send so there are plenty to go around. 

Colton showing me his letter.  It was so Sweet!!!
Dear Soldier, 
I like You.  We are really proud of You.  You are my Hero.
From, Colton Kleiber

It wouldn't be a Christmas Party.....I mean WINTER Party :(  without Cookie decorating!

This is Colton's Teacher, Mrs. Braaten. 

Bailey and her Teacher, Mrs. Osborne

Bailey and her Student Teacher, Mrs. Wibracht. 

Each class adopts a Staff Member and we got Nurse Marisa.  This is her card.

All the Kids signed it.

We included this poem

The Kids LOVE the librarian, Mrs. Keranen and I LOVE her Tacky Christmas Sweater :)

We had a very productive Day!  Just one of many Christmas Celebrations!!!! 
Tomorrow,  Pajama's, Hot Chocolate and Polar Express!!!

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  1. from deb oller

    hey jeri,
    have been there and gotten the girl scout badge on the cyst rupture on the ovary ride. i found a heating pad helped and maybe if you need to be more mobile, one of those sticky heat wraps would work. hope you feel better soon. sure look like the kids had a blast at their parties. as always, thanks for sharing the pictures.


  2. Immense fun! All pictures are remembering me of my childhood parties. Pictures and cherish able memories still make me quite emotional. My son's birthday treat with friends also went well. Hired one of the small event space Chicago for limited people. Snacks and beverages were ordered with some DIY decorations.

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