I forgot to take a picture of one of the invitations so I posted the proof. I ordered them from the Paper Monkey Company. Next, I didn't know what I was going to do as far as decorations and being 3 hours away from the Restaurant that the shower was being held at, I had no idea what the restaurant looked like and I didn't want to clutter up a nice area with a bunch of baby shower decorations so I kept it pretty simple. I decided to do a diaper cake for a center piece. I wanted to have something that my Sister could actually re use and not something that would just be thrown away. I included diapers and some water toys for the baby. I think it turned out pretty cute. Again, I kept it simple. (The Babies room is a Fishing theme)
All I had left to do after that was make some punch and order some cupcakes. Yes, I said order cupcakes. I can make cupcakes, but when I'm on a time crunch and have no time for mistakes, I would just rather swing by and pick them up. I found a recipe for blue punch on Pinterest and I thought it was pretty good and very simple.
Amber, My Sister's best friend had the Shower at a Restaurant in the The Woodlands called La Trattoria Tuscano. It couldn't have been better. The Restaurant was Beautiful, they had the Perfect party room, perfect appetizers and the staff was GREAT!!!!
I wish I would have gotten a picture of all of it. I didn't get a picture of the Pizza's but they were YUMMY!!!! All of it was!
Maranda, who was in charge of the games definitely outdid herself. The games we played at the shower were games I had never played before. She got a box and wrapped it and left a hole just big enough for your hand to fit in and put a few baby items inside. Everybody got a piece of paper and had to write down what they thought they were feeling. It sounds easy, but I assure you, it was not. Amazingly enough, the guest that won doesn't even have kids yet. Pretty Impressive.
I love this picture. She truly was Super Excited to win and I was excited for her. She's like a little Sister to me. Our families have been friends since I can remember. Way to go Missy!!!!
Maranda also handed out Bingo cards with baby words on them. As Teri Jo was opening her presents and reading her cards, anyone who had any word that she said on their bingo card would scratch out the word. The first to get Bingo won. It turned out to be a comical game because everyone was saying things to my Sister trying to get her to say the word that she wanted them to say. Not to mention, Everyone hung on every word that was said. It's a great way to keep people interested in the gift opening process :)
The Next game was my favorite!! Maranda made these cute babies and put them in frames. Each frame had a letter in the corner and at the end of the game when you put all of the frames together, they spelled out Conner.
Next everyone was put into groups and given their own frame to work on. She passed out glue sticks and a bowl of pictures for each group. (Mind you this was all being done while people were visiting so it wasn't like the whole party stopped for a game which made it even nicer) The first group assignment was to pick out a picture out of the bowl that you thought would be the babies future career. After you picked the one you wanted, you glued it to the onesie. Next up, she had cut outs of Brad's (the father to be) and my Sister's ears, nose, eyes and mouth. You got to pick which one you wanted the baby to have. They all turned out to be a mixture of the both of them. It was pretty funny to see how they turned out.
Here we are.....The Hostesses....
My Sister and Me
Us and our Mom
My Sister and her Mother in Law, Carol.
Teri Jo and her Sister in law
Well, I could post a ton of pictures, but I'll save that for facebook. Teri Jo had a Great Shower and now we just play the waiting game. Connor will be born on August 27th which also happens to be the first day of School ( so I won't be there :( and it is also my Husband Greg's Birthday.
I can't wait to see the little guy!

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