When Colton wrote Build a Bear Gift Card on his Wish List for Santa, I was a little surprised. This is the kid who only thinks about the Deer Lease, wearing his Cowboy Boots and seeing what all he can get into without getting caught. I must say, I like the "softer" side of him when it comes out. Colton and Bailey both got Gift Cards for Christmas so we decided today would be a Good day to go since they're still out of School. Honestly, I think I'd rather stick a thousand needles in my eye than go to Build a Bear on a weekend. The Kids were really excited last night about going today and when I opened my eyes this morning, all three of them were in my bed watching me. That's a pretty nice way to wake up. I was sooooo tired, but I drug my butt out of bed and we all got dressed and headed towards the mall. BEAUTIFUL Day to go to the Outdoor Mall. We walked into Build a Bear and the excitement took over. They didn't know where to look first. I directed them to the crazy amount of limp Bears on the wall and they started the decision making process.

Of course, I was trying to get them more for their Money, so I suggested they get a Simple Bear and then really dress it up. NOPE!!! Bailey couldn't decide between a Bear that looked like it had confetti all over it and a cupcake in it's hand or Hello Kitty! Hello Kitty Won!!! Colton couldn't decide between the Camo Bear and a Blue snowflake Bear.....I had no opinion on these two except they would both clash with anything you try to dress them in. He decided on the camo Bear and just when it came time to stuff it, he changed his mind and went back and got the blue Bear. Surprising choice, but whatever.
Sorry Camo Bear but you're about to be traded.
Time to stuff the Bear. Foot on the Pedal and the stuffing goes in.
(By the way, I know all of you Mom's know how this works, but I'm going into a little detail for the sake of the Grandparents that read my blog and might not know)
o.k. so here's where it got a little corny. I'm all for picking a heart to go inside your Bear, but is it really necessary for a Seven year old to have to go through the whole "Love your Heart" ritual. Seriously, Kiss the heart so it knows you love it, Rub the heart so it knows you care, Rub the Heart on your nose for God's sake so your Bear always KNOWS where you are. FOR REAL!!!! I'm all for that with a little kid, but Bailey was getting pretty tired of pampering this Heart. All she was thinking about was accessorizing this Bear. I couldn't BEAR to watch Colton go through this whole thing too, so I walked off and started looking at accessories myself. Sorry Colton!
I love when my Baby Boy is being Sweet!
So Much to choose from!!!!!
Bailey is going to a sleepover tonight so naturally she was looking at all the pajamas and sleep accessories.
Colton went straight for the Cowboy accessories. Gotta have some CowBear Boots....Get it, COW BEAR!!!!! I know, corny, but that's o.k. It's fun to be a little corny sometimes!
Colton thought it was funny!!!
Time to make the Birth Certificate. Bailey named her Hello Kitty, Emily Hannah Kitty.
This is after her two Best friends.
Colton named his Bear Colton, but is going to call it Colt for short....so original!!!!!
Time to check out.
They both had $45.00 on their gift card. Colton went over by $12.50 and was more than happy to pull out his new wallet and hand over the extra cash.
That money had been burning a hole in his pocket since we got there.
As soon as we walked out of the store, we found the nearest bench so the kids could dress their new friends.
Meet Emily Hannah Kitty complete with panties, a bathrobe and house shoes.
and here we are with Colton (THE BEAR) sporting a brown felt Cowboy Hat, a White Buttoned down collared shirt, jeans and a pair of Brown Cowboy.....I mean cowbear Boots.
After that, we met up with Greg for lunch at B.J.'s
where Kinley discovered Cheese Sticks.
Kinley got several cute outfits for Christmas and I want to make sure she gets them worn before she grows out of them. She grows like a weed.
This outfit came from Aunt Mary and it wouldn't be complete without the Shiny, Black Squeaky shoes. She LOVES them!!!! She takes as many steps as she can possibly take just so she can hear them squeak. They were a big hit in the restaurant!!!
I had a GREAT time with my little lovies today.
I think I might actually be a little sad when School starts back up.