As some of you may know, anytime we come to visit my Parents, it's usually only for one or two days and hardly ever for a relaxing visit. We always have something going on and I feel like we basically pull in the driveway, unload our suitcases, pull out of the driveway and go to whatever function we came down for in the first place, come back, go to bed, get up and go back home. We've been so busy this Summer that we haven't had time to just come hang out. The Kids and I drove down this Morning and I am looking forward to not having any real plans for a whole week!!!!
My Dad has been telling the Kids that when we made it down here, we would build a Playhouse in the backyard. It's something we've been looking forward to for months. When we got here late this afternoon, my Dad had already been hard at work.
The Kids were excited to see the project underway, but I think I was more excited than anyone. I was picturing a little playhouse like the one he built my Sister and I when we were younger, but apparently he has bigger plans this time. My Dad is one of the Easiest going people I know and I actually enjoy watching him work on projects like this. He NEVER yells or gets impatient and every time I mention an idea, he usually says, "We could probably do that." We talked Swings, Hammocks, Porches, hanging plants....etc..... Who knows what the final project will look like, but it's fun to dream of what it might look like when it's finished.
Here's the crew minus Kinley. She was in the original picture that turned out to be blurry, but she didn't stay put for long.
There wasn't a whole lot for the Kids to do in regards to the Playhouse today. I don't think it bothered them to much.
Kinley, a ball and one of her many faces.
They did get utilized a little bit. It was nice to see these two actually showing some Team Work. I don't get that very often these days.
Here's Bailey pretending to be helpful. |
It didn't last long |
Kinley discovered that she could get herself up on the Tire Swing and actually get it moving. |
I remember when I was younger and all of us Grandkids would pile on the Tire Swing at my Grandparents house. It was much bigger than this one. We could pile at least 8 people in that thing and it would keep us occupied for hours. Our favorite thing to do was to turn the tire around and around until there was no rope left to twist and then turn it loose. I can't even tell you how many times one of us got slung out, but we would just keep doing it. I attempted this trick today as well by letting my son twist me up and turn me lose. Needless to say, I had to be stopped early and it took me about 45 minutes to even feel right again. My mind isn't taking this getting older stuff too well. |
The Grandkids. We will be adding another Baby Boy in August. NOT ME of course!!!! I am done and will leave it to my Sister to fill the rest of this Tire Swing.
PS: I forgot to mention that my Parents neighborhood flooded last week and there are several houses that are being completely cleaned out. I'm not usually a Dumpster Diver, but my Sister and I set out today in search of any materials that we thought could benefit our Playhouse. We pretended to be the Picker Sisters, but on curb sides and without all their creativity. It was pretty much a bust, but tonight I rode with my Sister up to the Gas Station and when we were on our way back home, we turned down my Parents Street and noticed new items laying out on the side of the Road. We rushed home, grabbed my son and Dad and went back and loaded up! I was so excited!!!!! I can't wait to show you what we found!!!!!
Stay tuned!!!!!