When Greg told me that he was going on a fishing trip for his birthday weekend, I have to say I was relieved. Greg isn't one of those people that gets excited over a party and he sure isn't easy to buy for. The Man has EVERYTHING!!!! I have learned over the years, that unless I want to take my gift back to the store from lack of being used, it's best for Greg to just do his own thing. When he wants something, he just buys it, which leaves nothing for me to get him for Christmas, Anniversary, Birthday, Valentines Day, etc...... So Friday (the day before his birthday) he was off to work and then straight to Port O'Connor for some much needed Relaxation and a worry free weekend filled with Fishing, Poker Playing and whatever else these guys do while they're there.

The Kids wanted to have a little party for him when he got home and I was happy to go along with it. First, we needed to get some little gifts. Nothing expensive, because like I said....I don't want to make any trips to return unwanted gifts. Bailey wanted to get him the Jason Aldean CD so off we went to Target to make this purchase. They had ONE left. We grabbed it from the New Release section and off we went. When we got to the register to check out, the Cashier looks at me and says, "There's no plastic wrap on this CD." (I had not noticed that when I picked it up) She handed it to me and I opened it up and to my Surprise, NO CD!!!! AHHHHH, and it was the last one left! I paid for the rest of my things and off we went. We stopped at the photo dept. because Colton was going to print out one of Greg's most favorite pictures of him and make it a 5 X 7 for his desk at work. There was a line and the machine kept freezing up, so I said, "Let's just go. Before I could get it all together, I see my Cashier talking to what I'm assuming was the Theft officer in the store. (You know, he had one of those "mall cop" badges and a blue uniform. She is talking very quietly to him and staring at me as if I had done something wrong. Do they really think I took this CD? Why would I take a CD and then give the case to the Cashier? HELLO!!!!! I could tell that she was suspicious of me, but luckily the "Target cop" had some COMMON SENSE!!!!! As they were walking past me, I heard her say, "There she is...There she is, so I turned around and looked at them with a, "What is going on look???" Since I'm standing there staring at them, he has to say something. So, he politely says, "Mam, where did you get this case from?" I said, "from the new release section" He nicely says o.k., I'll check it out" and gives her the eye, like Why are you even bothering me with this. Wow, I guess she needed a little Drama in her life. As Colton would say, AWKWARD!!!!! O.k. sorry about the rambling..... So, off we go to Party City and the Grocery Store. I needed to get just a few decorations and stuff to make a cake.

Check out my cake. Once I pulled my rectangle cake out of the oven,
I thought, HOW BORING, so this is what I came up with.
I know it's not ALL THAT, but I was pretty proud of myself.
The kids couldn't wait for Greg to get home so he could blow out his candles and we could dig in.
Colton tried to talk me into letting him have a piece before his Daddy even got home.

Everyone helped with the Blowing. Even Kinley!
She was actually kind of spitting, but she thought she was blowing and we thought it was cute!

Here's our decorations.
Happy 40th Birthday Honey!
We Love You!!