I would like to be one of those people that just can go and go all day long, but the sad fact is that I AM NOT! I use to be able to hang, but not so much anymore. I went to bed at 2:30am Friday night because I was working on a gift for my niece. Not a smart move when I had to get up at 7:30 the next morning to get ready for an early T-ball game. After shooting down a 5 hour energy, I was ready to go. Aunt Mary, Ninny (Greg's Mom), Katie and Klay (Niece & Nephew) came to see Colton & Bailey play so they were really excited. After the game Mary, Katie & Ninny went back to the Deer Lease and My Family plus Klay headed to the School Carnival. Greg & I split up because the Boys wanted to do "Boy" stuff and Bailey wanted to get her face painted and hair & nails done at the Beauty Salon put on by the 5th graders. She also wanted to do the cake walk and was determined to win. We were almost out
of tickets and she did not want to leave. She insisted that she play until she won a cake. I finally had to put a stop to it. We went on to play a few games and ended the day with snow cones. All in all it was a Great Carnival. The kids really enjoyed themselves. Kinley was so good during
the whole thing. She's such an easy baby.

After the School Carnival, we loaded up the crew and headed to the Deer Lease in Fredericksburg. By this time, I am DRAGGING, but trying to look alert. While I was driving up there I was day dreaming of taking a nap, but then I would have to snap out of it. Wouldn't want to fall asleep on the road. Once we got there, we were in full force again. The kids wanted to go play in the river so hear we go again. Ninny watched Kinley for me so I did get a break from that. Mary and I sat in our lawn chairs and caught up while the kids played. Once that was over we all went back up to the camp house, ate our dinner and for the most part passed out. I don't think I've slept that hard in a LONG time. Now we're home and my house is in desperate need of some attention, but it will have to wait. My recliner was calling my name and I had to oblige. I plan on sitting here for a while. The rest of the family is napping. Maybe I'll sit here and fall asleep too


Nothing like fishing with your Chips Ahoy!