Here's my little Kinley. This little girl is such a Tomboy. She loves to wear hats.
She chose this look herself. I have a feeling she will be making trips to the Deer Lease with all the guys when she's older.
We got up Saturday Morning and rode around the property for a little while.
Colton of course had to bring his BB Gun just in case he had to shoot something.
Daddy and Kinley
He's such a good Daddy!!!
Most of the time Kinley tries to make a run for it and see how far she
can get before somebody comes after her
I let her get as far as I feel is safe and then I send one of the Kids after her.
When we left the Deer Lease, we decided to take a different route home.
For once, we were not in a big hurry so we decided to stop by Luckenbach, TX
We had driven through before, but never stopped and checked things out.
Here the family is standing in front of the Post office which is also a Gift Shop.
Here the family is standing in front of the Post office which is also a Gift Shop.
As soon as we walked in the door to the gift shop, the clerk said, "Well I see there's some new Sheriff's in town. She put badges on all three of the Kids and then had Colton and Bailey raise their right hand and repeat after her in order to get the Candy that she waived in front of them.
When you walk to the back of the gift shop, there is a Bar.
If this isn't a TEXAS Bar, I don't know what is.
Another view of the Bar
Even the ATM is Rustic
One of the strangest things about this trip is that Colton and Bailey got along.
They actually acted like Friends. They even chose to sit next to each in the truck.
They laughed until their Stomachs hurt.
Kinley passed out on the way home