This was actually Colton's shirt when he was little. She was very pleased with herself and her outfit........until the next day when apparently she was bored with this shirt and refused to wear it.
She settled for one of Bailey's old shirts and set out with Daddy to do a little Shopping before the game.
She was obviously in no mood to pose or even smile for that matter.
After they were gone, the kids and I headed out the door. They had no idea where we were going and kept reminding me of what movies they have been wanting to see. They thought we were going to the movies up until we got to the booth to pay for SeaWorld Parking. They were very surprised and Happy! We live about 40 minutes away, but haven't been in a few years.

Bailey is my little thrill seeker so of course the first thing she wanted to do was jump on the first ride she saw. We got to the entrance of the first ride we saw, just to be told that it was experiencing some difficulties and they were correcting the problem, and to come back later. I don't really like to hear the words ride and difficulties in the same sentence.
We walked on and noticed the majority of the park was headed in one direction and figured there must be a show about to start so we followed along. Sure enough we were just in time to catch
the "One Ocean" show. Of course we chose to sit in the Splash Zone but unfortunately I think we were the only section in the Splash Zone that didn't get wet. The Kid in me likes to be Splashed so that was a little disappointing but we knew we had plenty of other opportunities to get wet.
Even though I've seen this show several times I am still amazed by this!
Next up, the Rio Loco. Apparently Sundays during the School Year is the best time to go because there were NO LINES which was AWESOME!!!!!
There is nothing scary about this ride, but it is fun and there is a little anticipation when you see the waterfall at the end and you secretly hope it's your side of the tube that ends up underneath it.
As you can see, Colton was the winner!
I wish I had a nice waterproof camera so I could get pictures of the real action.
After that was over, Bailey wanted to ride the two scariest roller coasters they had. Colton had no problem telling her that there was no way he was getting on those rides. I was in a bad situation because I wanted to share the experience with Bailey even though I was a little scared myself, but I didn't want to leave Colton standing alone outside the ride. I hadn't completely decided what I was going to do when we arrived at the first one and saw that she was too short anyway. Problem solved!
We headed back to the first ride that we had attempted and they had fixed the problem and it was running good. Of course when I'm sitting in that seat and the ride starts going up the rail, I will admit I get a little nervous and I have a million butterflies in my Stomach. I could tell Colton was feeling the same way I was, but Bailey had nothing but pure excitement on her face.
I told both of the kids as we were sitting at the top waiting to fall that when I said go, to take a deep breath and then hold it as we were falling. That all went out the window when we dropped.
Check out our faces!!! I love this picture! It cracks me up everytime I look at it.
Needless to say, after it was over, we got off of the ride, and got right back on again.
We got ice cream and headed towards our next adventure when we ran into some of the Sesame Street Characters. Colton was not up for getting his picture taken with The Cookie Monster and Big Bird, but Bailey begged and he gave in.
We checked out the penguins and the way they were staring at us made me feel like maybe we were the show and not them. I guess that's a win win for both sides of the glass :)
The Azul is my Favorite show. These people are incredible and the dolphins are unbelievable.
Bailey and I waiting for the show to start
Bailey said this is what she wants to do when she grows up.
The park closed at 5:00pm which was fine with us. We had done all of the walking and all of the rides that we cared to do so we headed home. I had a Great Time with my "Babies" and look forward to the next time we can spend this kind of quality time together. Needless to say, I was a little suspicious that maybe Greg let Kinley take an extra long nap because she did not want to go to bed last night. When I asked him about it, he gave me a Smile that confirmed my suspicions.