I saw this and wanted to share it with you, and then I decided I needed to write my own version of "Before I was a Mom" just for you.
Before I was a Mom
I never thought about how much worry I would feel when you stepped on the School Bus.
I never felt the real fear of losing someone in the store.
I never knew the real comfort of holding a sleeping child.
I never felt the joy of a sleepy child just waking up and coming into the living room and lighting up when they saw me.
I never knew how nice it was to go to the grocery store alone.
I never thought I would say, "Quit sticking your fingers in your mouth!" 'That's how People get sick!"
I never thought I would say, "You can't take your clothes off in a Restaurant!"
I never realized how much I would be relied on.
I use to say, "I would never let my child act that way!" Now I understand what picking your battles means.
I never understood what endless laundry meant.
I never realized that not all kids like Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches.
I never knew how emotional it would be to drop someone off for their first day of Kindergarten.
I never realized how fast time would fly.
I never rocked a baby and cried because I felt so blessed.
I never rocked a baby and cried because I was so tired and just wanted them to go to sleep.
I never felt the excitement of hearing a child read for the first time.
I never thought about how many times I would say "Stop picking your nose!"
I never danced to the theme song of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
I never carried a camera everywhere I went.
I never realized how imaginative kids were.
I never realized how much more there was to learn about life.
I never truly felt the joy of a child's laughter.
I never thought I could LOVE someone so much!!!!!
I really could go on for days, but I'll stop here.
I am so proud to be your Mommy and want the very best for you.
I love you to the Moon and back!
Love, Mommy